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When to Remove Snow From Your Yard

Posted on January 5th, 2016

While the winter weather has been very mild so far, it’s inevitable that the snow will arrive sooner or later! As we’ve mentioned in past posts, snow accumulation on your landscape can be very dangerous and even deadly to your grass and shrubs if not handled correctly.

When to Remove Snow From Your Yard - Tree And Shrub Care Middlesex County MA

Before you find yourself gazing out the window wondering what to do about the heaping piles of fluffy white scattered around your property, here are some rules to follow when deciding whether or not you need to take action and remove snow from your yard.

Don’t worry about drift. Soft, windblown snow is nothing to worry about and can actually provide insulation for your plants. This type of snow is light and airy, and will usually continue to blow around and eventually melt or evaporate as the temperature rises above the freezing point.

Watch out for compacted areas. Foot traffic, shoveling and even playing in the snow can cause it to become dense and compact. This makes it unable to melt efficiently so your plants will not be able to receive the sunlight and oxygen they need to prosper. Remove any large compacted mounds immediately, but carefully!

Be aware of bent or broken branches. Heavy snow buildup can cause branches to snap from all the weight. Even those that bend but do not break can be permanently damaged, as it’s often very difficult for plants to spring back to life, especially during the winter months. As snow begins to accumulate on branches softly sweep the snow away with a broom to lighten the load.

Look for frozen limbs. If snow begins to melt but is caught in another bout of freezing temperatures it can freeze over causing devastating damage to your lawn and yard plants. However, if you notice that ice has formed, your best options is to wait it out and try to avoid more snow from freezing over by using the sweeping method mentioned above.

When in doubt, it’s always best to remove snow as it accumulates, rather than waiting for it to become deep and unmanageable.

Removing snow is also important to consider when it comes to your walkways. If you’re looking for a great way to keep your pavement snow-free this season, Turf Unlimited has contractor-grade snow melt that’s fast acting and time-released. Plus, it’s tinted orange, so you can be confident that you’ll never miss a spot!

For more information about our ice melt, or to hear more about our wide variety of lawn care service, click through the rest of our website or call 888-649-9919 today.

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