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Combating Lawn Fungus: Identification and Treatment

Posted on November 30th, 2023

As a property owner, you take pride in the state of your lawn – a green, lush, and healthy patch that brings beauty to your property. Your lawn requires regular care to keep it looking its best. When done right, residential and commercial properties can achieve stunning outdoor spaces.

However, even with proper watering, mowing, and fertilizing, a problem such as lawn fungus can sometimes arise. These unwelcome organisms can wreak havoc on the health and appearance of your grass. Identifying lawn fungus is crucial to maintaining a picture-perfect yard. Let’s discuss the key steps to identify and provide proper lawn fungus treatment.

Identifying Lawn Fungus

The first step to effectively combat lawn fungus is proper identification. It’s important to understand that a fungal issue in your lawn may not always be visible to the naked eye. Sometimes, lawn fungus can initially appear as a minor discoloration or a patch of thinning grass. By the time it begins to show more severe symptoms, it may already have caused significant damage. That’s why good observation and early intervention can make all the difference.

Many types of fungi can plague your lawn, and they rarely look the same. Here are some common types that may be affecting your yard:

  • Brown Patch: This starts as small, circular patches of discolored grass, often surrounded by a more vibrant green turf. As it progresses, the patches can merge to form larger, more irregular shapes.
  • Dollar Spot: True to its name, dollar spots appear as small, brown spots about the size of a silver dollar. These spots are generally scattered throughout the lawn and typically have a bleached-white appearance.
  • Red Thread: This fungus is characterized by a reddish hue that spreads through the grass blades. Infected lawns will have patches of grass that have a rusty brownish-red color.
  • Snow Mold: This is commonly found during the early spring or late fall when lawns are exposed to a wet, cold environment. There are two types of snow mold: gray and pink, depending on the color of the mycelium.

Once you’ve identified the type of fungus invading your turf, you’re better equipped to choose the best course of action. Remember, the key to combating lawn fungus is early detection and swift intervention, so be vigilant and act promptly upon detection. Alternatively, seeking professional lawn care services can ensure the health of your lawn.

Lawn Fungus Treatment: What Are Your Options?

While there are various types of lawn fungus, there’s a silver lining: the treatment methods can be similar across the board. Here are some steps to follow when treating your lawn for fungi invasion:

  • Fungicides: The first line of defense in your lawn fungus treatment is using fungicide products. Apply a fungicide designed for the type of fungus you’ve identified. Follow the product’s label instructions carefully for the best results.
  • Lawn Care: Good lawn care practices can help prevent fungal outbreaks and support the effectiveness of your lawn fungus treatment. One of the best practices you can do is manage thatch, the layer of dead and living plant material that accumulates on your lawn. Excessive thatch can provide an ideal environment for fungus to thrive.
  • Overseeding: When your lawn thins out, it can result in issues such as muddy spots, weaker drought resistance, and an increased risk of lawn fungus. Overseeding can help with lawn fungus treatment as it aids your existing lawn by growing more grass rather than tilling and replacing your entire yard.
  • Watering Practices: Watering your lawn the right way can make a significant difference in preventing and controlling fungal growth. Water just enough to keep your plants healthy but not too much to risk fungal growth. Installing sprinklers can automate this task, as you can set how often your lawn is watered.
  • Mowing: Mow your lawn at the proper height for your grass type. Avoid removing more than one-third of the grass blade height at a time, as it helps your grass stay healthy and resilient, minimizing the risk of fungal invasion.
  • Soil Amendments: Sometimes, an imbalance in the soil’s nutrients or pH level can encourage the growth of lawn fungus. You can conduct a soil test to check for any imbalances and make appropriate adjustments with soil amendments. For example, you might consider using a slow-release nitrogen fertilizer if your lawn has low nitrogen levels.
  • Aeration: Compacted soil can make it difficult for your lawn to absorb water, nutrients, and air properly. Aerating your property can help loosen the dirt and improve its overall health, making it more difficult for fungi to take hold.

Let Turf Unlimited Keep Your Lawn Healthy

If you spot lawn fungus in your garden, there are plenty of treatment options and good lawn care practices to prevent future outbreaks. With vigilance and proper care, your lawn can remain the pride and joy of your property. Lastly, don’t hesitate to consult a professional lawn care service provider to help you diagnose and treat your lawn fungus problem and ensure optimal, long-lasting results.

Turf Unlimited is your dependable professional lawn care service provider. We cater to residential and commercial properties in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, and select areas in New Hampshire. Contact us today to request a quote and schedule reliable lawn care services that keep your lawn healthy. 

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