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Seven Tips for Effective Turf Weed Control

Posted on July 15th, 2021

Weed Control – Pesky weeds are just a part of gardening. No matter how many hours we spend pulling them out or trying to get rid of weeds, they always seem to come back with a vengeance.

So, what is a weed exactly? Well, a weed is considered a plant that is growing where it shouldn’t. Weeds usually spread rapidly and tend to overgrow or choke out your garden’s other plants and your lovely lawn.

Dubbed the thieves of the plant world, weeds quickly spread throughout your outside area, stealing the sun, water, and nutrients from plants you actually want in your garden. And because they are so resilient, keeping them under control can be tricky.

But did you know there might be things you are unknowingly doing to attract these intruders? To help you out, we share seven top tips to prevent weeds from taking over your turf and an easy four-step guide to getting rid of weeds for good.

Ready to say goodbye to weeds? Let’s get started!

Here are our Seven Tips for Effective Turf Weed Control

Don’t Dig Too Deep

Dig up weeds at their roots but be sure to leave the surrounding soil. This is because every inch of your turf and garden is full of weed seeds. However, only the seeds that make it to the top of the soil and get enough light will germinate. So too much digging will bring these additional seeds to the surface. When it comes to your lawns, minimize soil disturbance by using a hand weeder.

Off With Their Heads!

If you don’t have time to completely remove the weeds, the next best thing is to chop off their heads. With perennial weeds (such as dandelions), removing their heads will buy you a few weeks before the “seed rain” begins. Cutting the tops of weeds will reduce reseeding and force them to use up food reserves and reduce their spread.

Water Your Lawn Well

Deep waterings of your turf can also help to eradicate problematic weeds. Watering deep can provide similar results to that of a drip hose system and will help ensure that the water is absorbed into the soil further than the weeds can reach. This is because weed roots don’t grow as deeply as grassroots. Eventually, the weeds will dry up and die.

Pick ‘Em Young

If you can, pull up perennial weeds as soon as you see them. For example, Dandelions develop very deep roots once they mature – making them hard to pull out properly. Try to pull up the whole plant, including the root. Any root pieces left behind will grow new plants. If fresh sprouts grow, keep pulling them in order to starve and eventually kill off the weed.

Wait until the Soil is Moist

Weeding is easier when the soil is moist. After rain or watering, the soil is easier to move, and the roots will slide out with less resistance. If you pull up the weeds when the soil is too dry, they often get stuck, and some of the roots will remain in the soil to grow again. Quickly reseed the area once the weed is out; otherwise, new weeds will quickly set up camp.

Know What You’re Dealing With

Sometimes all weeds look the same. But, believe us, they’re not! Knowing what weeds you’re working with can be beneficial. Do some research online and look at some of the best ways to identify and tackle different types of weeds. This will also help you prevent them from removing them completely and from returning in the future too.

Treat with Herbicides

When nothing seems to be working, and your lawn is overrun with stubborn weeds, you can always opt for herbicides as a last resort. Remember to use herbicides carefully as they can injure or kill your beloved turf. Be sure to follow the packet’s instructions and understand the best and most effective way to use the brand of herbicide you choose.

Get Rid of Weeds in 4 Simple Steps

Step 1: When the soil is nice and moist, push a weed digger or sharp spade firmly into the soil. Position the spade so that it’s angled downward toward the middle of the weed, and then gently loosen the surrounding soil.

Step 2: Using your tool of choice to lift the weed upward while pulling it out. Try not to break off any of the roots! When pulling up the weeds, try to pull them straight up rather than at an angle. Angles can often cause roots to break off, so tugging upwards is best.

Step 3: Once you’ve successfully taken the weed out, add some compost, smooth over the soil, and patch the naked area with lawn seed. Try to keep the soil moist until the new grass patch reaches about an inch high.

Step 4: Proper disposal of weeds is also essential. Once you’ve dug them up, throw the weeds into a lawn waste bag. You can also toss them onto your compost pile, but you’ll need to heat your compost to prevent seeds.

Get Rid of Weeds Today

Are you struggling to can’t get a handle on weeds in your turf? Turf Unlimited is ready to assist with weed control. We want to help you create a beautiful, lush lawn that will be the envy of the neighbors.

We are the preferred lawn care professionals in the greater Northern Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire areas. Over the years, we’ve earned our excellent reputation by going the extra mile for our customers.

If you’re looking for overseeding equipment hire, a curated lawn maintenance program, care for your trees and shrubs, or even just a virtual consultation to identify the grass and weeds that you’re dealing with, then contact us at Turf Unlimited. We’ve got you covered.

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