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How Does Snow Affect My Landscape?

Posted on February 20th, 2018

Heavy snowfall on a driveway can lead to an icy and tough to navigate walkway. Excessive snow on a roof can lead to ice dams and a weakened structure. With that being said, does excessive snow on your lawn or garden have any negative effects?Heavy snowfall can be a killer for lawns

Natural Snow Cover 

Your lawn and garden are safe and sound from damage from natural snowfall. Snow will evenly distribute onto your property and will provide a perfect insulator for your lawn and garden. After the snow melts, your dry plants will also see some much-needed water. So the next time there’s a blizzard, rest easy knowing that your lawn and garden is safe.

Manmade Snow Piles 

After your street has been plowed, the driveway has been shoveled, and your roof has been raked, there will be large man-made piles of snow scattered throughout your property. This is the snow that can severely hurt (and even kill) your dormant plants and lawn. Piles of moved snow are much more cialis dense than natural snow cover and can crush any plant that is underneath it. These piles are also known to freeze and take a lot longer to melt, which doesn’t bode well for your lawn and garden.

Snow on Branches 

When there is excessive snowfall, the weight from the snow can damage branches on trees, bushes, and shrubs. Remove snow every few hours to avoid accumulation during a blizzard. To remove snow, use a broom and gently sweep the snow upward. This will allow snow to loosen and fall on its own. Sweeping downward can damage your shrubs and bushes’ branches.

When you go outside to clear the snow from your driveway and roof, be sure to tend to your lawn and garden as well.

Turf Unlimited is a full-service lawn care provider, offering a wide variety of lawn care, fertilization, and pest and weed control services to the Massachusetts or New Hampshire area. For more information about our services call 888-649-9919 and schedule your free, in-home estimate today.

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