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Warning: Are You Maintaining Your Yard This Winter?

Posted on January 16th, 2018

Yes, we’re in the midst of winter, but that doesn’t mean your yard work responsibilities have to be pushed back until spring. As long as there’s no snow, there is some work that can be done. Any amount of work will help prepare your property for the arrival of spring in the next few months.Winter lawn maintenance is essential to maintaining this beautiful neighborhood

Removal of Crabgrass

So you reseeded your lawn right before winter hit, but did you think about the hidden weeds in your lawn? Your lawn is most likely filled with crabgrass seeds. Once the temperatures rise in the spring they will be ready to pop up and take over. To keep crabgrass from sprouting at the beginning of spring, spray a pre-emergent right around February. However, you do need a professional to apply this chemical to your lawn.

Proper Pruning

Every tree, shrub, flower, and plant should be pruned before the growing season in order to promote healthy growth. When you prune your property, start by pruning from the inside of the plant and work your way outwards. For optimal pruning, make clean cuts about a quarter inch from the branch or base. If any of the trees grow fruit, remove some branches. This will relieve the tree so it won’t be weighed down by too much fruit.

Call the Pros in Advance

Many homeowners will choose to leave most landscaping to the professionals — which is always the best choice for your property. However, many people will call towards the end of winter only to find out that all of March and April has been booked up. In order to secure the best prices and time frame, give your local landscaper a call in the middle of winter (AKA right now).

Spring is still a few months away, but there are things you can do to your property now to prepare it for the growing season.

Turf Unlimited is a full service lawn care provider, offering a wide variety of lawn care, fertilization, and pest and weed control services to the Massachusetts or New Hampshire area. For more information about our services call 888-649-9919 and schedule your free, in-home estimate today.

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