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Common Lawn Diseases Seen in Massachusetts

Posted on July 6th, 2016

Sure, watering your lawn is important, but overestimating the amount of water it needs can be detrimental. In particular, overwatering your grass or allowing humidity to create excess moisture makes it more susceptible to fungus growth — and therefore more likely to catch one of these common Massachusetts lawn diseases.

Brown Patch – As its name denotes, this lawn disease is characteristic of forming 3-10 foot circles or brown tipped, patchy grass. To avoid subjecting your lawn to this unsightly disease, be cautious when watering in humid conditions, aerate, and water early in the morning so the grass has time to dry before the sun sets.

Leaf Spot – Unlike brown patch, leaf spot is more sporadic with the areas affects. Instead of clustering contaminated grass in patches, leaf spot discolors individual blades scattered throughout the yard. If your lawn has leaf spot, expect to see purple or brown spots covering your grass blades, and large areas of disheveled, dead grass. To protect your lawn from this yard-wide contaminant, make sure to mow high to reduce the stress on your grass roots.

Powdery Mildew – This lawn disease preys on shady, damp landscapes, leaving a dusty residue behind. High time for powdery mildew is in late spring or early fall, as it requires warm temperatures with ample sunlight to take hold. Make sure to plant shade-tolerant grasses in those deep dark corners of your yard to prevent powdery mildew from forming.

Has your lawn exhibited any signs of the common fungal diseases above? Perhaps it’s showing different signs that you haven’t been able to decode. Whatever the case may be, Turf Unlimited is here to help!

To learn more about our lawn and landscaping services call 888-649-9919 or fill out our online form to schedule a free on-site evaluation with one of our trained technicians.

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