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DIY: Easy Homemade Fertilizer Options

Posted on June 15th, 2016

Next to sunlight and water, fertilizer is one of the most important items to consider when when it comes to caring for your yard. Luckily there are plenty of DIY fertilizer options for you to explore right in your very own home.

Coffee Grounds – A cup of java can perk up more than just the Monday morning blues! Adding coffee grounds to your soil elevates its nitrogen levels, which is perfect for boosting fruits, veggies and rose bushes alike.

Banana Peels – Packed with potassium, recycling banana peels into pre-planting fertilizer is a great way to encourage bigger, better blooms. Simply toss one or two peels into the soil before you set your new plant, fill the hole and reap the benefits.

Egg Shells – Before you toss the shells from your morning omelette, consider repurposing them as fertilizer in your vegetable garden. They’re high in calcium and perfect for helping tomatoes and peppers prosper. As a bonus, eggshells also provide excellent pest control for snails and slugs.

Cornmeal – Say sayonara to pesky plant fungus. With one cup of corneal, 5 gallons of water, and an inexpensive spray bottle, you can fend off fungus and promote plant growth all-in-one.

Molasses – Have some young saplings that are struggling to break free from their braces? Add 1-3 tablespoons of molasses when watering your plants and you’ll see them start strengthening up in no time.

Grass Clippings – Don’t waste time bagging up your grass and dragging it to the curb after a long morning of mowing. It’s nitrogen rich properties make it the perfect natural fertilizer for your yard. Simply redistribute your clippings back across the lawn, or mix it with water, allow it to sit for a day or so, and pour it around the base of your trees and shrubs.

If you’re looking to take a more professional stance when it comes to mastering your seasonal lawn care maintenance, Look no further than Turf Unlimited!

To learn more about our lawn and landscaping services call 888-649-9919 to schedule a free on-site evaluation with one of our trained technicians.

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