Caring for your landscape can sometimes be pretty pricey. Between purchasing lawn care products, paying utility bills and maintaining lawn mowers and necessary tools, you may be spending more money than you actually have to. Here are a few tips to help you perform lawn maintenance more efficiently and cut costs on lawn care overall:
Improve from the ground up. Composting your soil is an eco-friendly way to keep the soil healthy, which will decrease the need for large amounts of fertilizer and water. To get the best results, aerate and apply ¼ inch of top-dressing to your lawn 2-3 times a year.
Watch how you water. Many people assume that the more times you water a week, the better for the lawn. In actuality, watering deeply once a week will suffice and keep your lawn growing healthy, without wasting all of that extra water. Watering early in the morning minimizes evaporation and maximizes the amount of water that the soil absorbs.
Use up those freebies. Grass clippings are a great source of nutrients – and they’re free! Instead of wasting money on oversized garbage bags and store-bought fertilizer, spread the clippings back across your lawn after you mow. When done properly you can save yourself up to 30 percent annually on fertilizer costs.
Try a different type of grass. Some grass species require more TLC than others. If you find yourself constantly watering, test out a slow-growing, drought-resistant species. That way, you save water and time.
Preserve your maintenance tools. Keeping your lawn mower blades clean and sharp can help your grass stay stress-free and will reduce the amount of time you spend mowing. That means you’ll be saving on lawn repair costs, valuable personal time and fuel costs. As a general rule you should sharpen and balance your mower blade at least three times per mowing season.
Looking for an even easier lawn care alternative? Just call 888-649-9919 and let the professionals at Turf Unlimited take it from here. Our employees are the most knowledgeable in the industry, re-certifying in each off-season to keep themselves up-to-date on the latest products and landscape maintenance trends. To learn more about our lawn care services, click here.