Like most homeowners, you probably put a lot of money and effort into keeping a lush lawn, but even with the most precise maintenance plan there is always room for damage and disease to take hold. Lawn damage typically has three main causes: injury, stress or deficiency.
To help you troubleshoot your lawn’s illness, here are a few common situations associated with each cause:
- Chemical Spills: Pesticides, fertilizers and gasoline are all highly chemically concentrated and can do your lawn harm if accidentally spilt. Damage can happen quickly, so be careful when using these products around your yard and clean up spills immediately.
- Dog Urine: It’s difficult to control your pet’s’ potty habits, but allowing them to go to the bathroom wherever they please can have detrimental effects to your lawn. Try to designate a dog run area where your pets can do their business safely.
- Foot Traffic: Areas with a lot of foot traffic can become compacted easily. Aerating regularly and averting traffic should help recover your grass.
- Improper Watering: Dried out grass will take on straw-like characteristics. Watering early on in the day can help to avoid over-watering while keeping your grass hydrated.
- Unbalanced fertilization: If your grass is growing like crazy, you may be fertilizing too often. On the other hand, too little fertilizer will deter roots and blades from growing strong. As a best practice, always read labels and stick to a strict fertilizing plan that fits your lawn’s needs.
- Changes in Temperature: Drastic climate changes can have a serious affect on your lawn. Keep an eye out for any inconsistencies as the weather changes, and think about changing to a different grass species if problems persist.
- Nitrogen: If your lawn needs more nitrogen it’s coloring will fade from green to yellow and it’s growth cycle will slow down. Fertilizing and mulching can rectify the situation, but be sure not to overdo it!
- Iron: Similar to the effects of low nitrogen levels, your lawn may also discolor due to iron deficiencies in the soil. However, where nitrogen issues typically affect the entire lawn, iron problems usually present themselves in patches close to concrete. Adding soil supplements as directed can help salvage your landscape.
If your lawn is experiencing any of these issues, the professionals at Turf Unlimited are here to help! To learn more about the services that we provide, or to schedule your complimentary on-site estimate, call 888-649-9919 today!