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Build a Turf-Friendly Backyard Ice Rink in 5 Steps

Posted on February 17th, 2016

An ice rink in the backyard? Many of your are probably thinking — but wait, isn’t freezing bad for my lawn? While this is definitely true, there is actually a safe way to have some traditional winter fun in your backyard this season without causing damage to your lawn.


Step 1: Build Your Base – Level out the ground in the area that you’d like to construct your ice rink with about an inch of lightly packed snow. The snow will help keep your lawn protected from the frozen ice above.

Step 2: Define Your Borders – Depending which materials are readily available, you may use either wooden boards, PVC pipe or good old snow to build up the exterior walls of your ice rink. Remember that your border should be at least 3 inches in height in order to contain enough ice to hold an average adult.

Step 3: Add Water Slowly – Flooding the rink with water all at once will be counter-productive. Not only will it be difficult for water to freeze at such a large capacity, but it can also seep through the packed snow and down to your lawn, causing damage. Instead, give your rink a few light sprinkles of water to lay the frozen foundation. You may also choose to lay a tarp down for added protection.

Step 4: Fill It Up – Once your foundation has been laid, it’s safe to flood the rink for freezing. Try to choose three consecutive days where the temperature is projected to sit at or below 20 degrees for the best results.

Step 5: Melting The Ice – Once ice skating season is over, you must take the proper precautions to help your rink melt and drain safely. Do this by regularly draining and melt you see and removing the borders so ice melt can run-off freely. You may also need to give it a helping hand by breaking up some of the ice to speed up the melting process.

No matter how careful and vigilant you are when it comes to caring for and protecting your lawn during the cold months, there’s always a possibility that winterkill can take hold. As your ice rink melts away, and your grass comes back into view, inspect it for any discoloration or damage. Should you need a bit of help getting your lawn up and running again in spring, remember that Turf Unlimited is always just a phone call away!

To learn more about our array of lawn and landscape care services, call 888-649-9919 today!

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