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Water Saving Sprinkler Tips

Posted on August 14th, 2015

iStock_000006774200_MediumSo, you’ve had your custom sprinkler system installed – congratulations! You’ve already taken the first step toward providing the best possible lawn care, and saving money on your water bill to boot. Now that you’ve got your system up and running, here are a few more money saving tips to help you water more efficiently for the remainder of the summer season.

Pick the right plants. Choosing plants that are native to your climate means they’ve already been acclimated to the usual changes in temperature. That means that if you have a typical week of hot, hot heat in the month of August, native plants will be better able to survive without any additional watering, as opposed to non-native plants that might dry out quickly.

Prioritize your watering duties. A newly planted lawn needs more hydration than an existing one, which also goes for new shrubs, trees, etc. Next up is your vegetable garden, which needs ample water to perpetuate. Make sure to prioritize, especially when resources are low.

Water in the early morning. The crisp cool morning air is a deterrent for evaporation, which means more water will be absorbed by the soil and less by the air. Watering early also sets your plants and turf up for success on a hot summer day.

Utilize an automatic timer. Your sprinkler system comes equipped with a timer feature, so you can set it and forget it! Following the rule above, set your sprinkler to turn on in the early morning so you never have to worry about waking up to turn it on yourself. Save time AND money!

Invest in a rain sensor. Many sprinkler systems come equipped with sensors that can tell when it has rained, overriding an automatic timer if it’s not necessary. If your system does not have a standard rain sensor it’s a great idea to get one!

At Turf Unlimited we take sprinkler systems seriously, fully backing our product with a 3-year warranty on all parts and labor. We provide sprinkler installation and maintenance services in Middlesex County MA, Hillsborough County NH, Rockingham County NH & the surrounding areas, and will service all brands of sprinkler systems, including those we did not initially install. To schedule your free estimate, call 888-649-9919 today.

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